Greener Tomorrow
for Everyone
Устойчивото развитие е веруюто, което е в основата на инициативите на Irecco по поръчка за опазване на околната среда, укрепване на общностите и стимулиране на отговорния растеж.

We have 35+ years experience
за по-добри резултати
How We Started Industry
historyВсички функции, включително верига за доставки, верига за стойност, планиране на проекти, производство, услуги и резервни части, технологии, научноизследователска и развойна дейност и т.н., са интегрирани, за да осигурят цялостен пакет от решения.
Founded Company
iRecco is among the world's leading renewable energy solutions.
First Solar Energy
iRecco is among the world's leading renewable energy solutions.
Renewable Energy
iRecco is among the world's leading renewable energy solutions.
Green Technology
iRecco is among the world's leading renewable energy solutions.

Clients Testimonials
“IRecco is among the world's leading renewable energy solutions provider that is revolutionising and redefining the way sustainable energy sources are harnessed across the world. Present in 18 countries across Asia, Australia, Europe, Africa and the Americas.”

Arnold Wilson
Client of Company“IRecco is among the world's leading renewable energy solutions provider that is revolutionising and redefining the way sustainable energy sources are harnessed across the world. Present in 18 countries across Asia, Australia, Europe, Africa and the Americas.”

Tina Johanson
Client of CompanySay
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IRecco is among the world’s leading renewable energy solutions provider.