Electrical installations
Our partnersHere is a list wit our trusted partners.
They are authorized and qualified installers with the necessary documents for the right to install electrical installations.
For Bulgaria
NIM Engineering – Nikola Lazarov +359 878 45 27 19 nim.eng@abv.bg
Petrol Pure Tsvetan Tsanev – +359 89 999 6727 petrolpur@gmail.com
NRG Soft EOOD Maya Dimitrova 0700 13 007 info@nrjsoft.com
BSB Company Solar EOOD â Borislav Georgiev +359 884 76 55 77 borislaw_2005@abv.bg
NETBOX EOOD Vildan Selim – office@netbox-bg.com
SOLARINS RUSE EOOD Krasimir Georgiev: solarinsruse@gmail.com
SolarMD Kamen Simeonov: kamen@solarmd.co.za
E2PRO Svilen Koev +359 898 665 030 e2proltd@gmail.com
Extrapak Radob EOOD – Radoslav Ivanov +359 888 207 210 radob2001@abv.bg
TRISOLAR EOOD â Stanislav Vasilev –Â stanislav.vasilev@trisolarbg.eu
Enitek Global OOD – Emil Nikolov – +359 88 33 56770
ISE ENERGY OOD – Alex Gruncharov +359 896 66 79 69 energy@ise.industries
TRIFAR Ltd. Boyan Peev b.peev@trifar.bg
VERSOLEY EOOD Emil Kiossev +359 888 222 758Â ekiossev@versoley.com
TRISTAN 02 OOD Stanimir Trifonov 0885 532 175 Â office@tristan02.com
ISE Energy:
Alexander Gruncharov
KA System Ltd
Dimitar Enchev
Stanislav Tsonikov
ENERGYA BG BURGAS 0886 875 115 Ivan Grunchev, 0879 659 037 Tanya Atanasova office@energiabg.net
S END AND GROUP EOOD Borislav Ivanov +359 89 994 2121Â sendi–solar@abv.bg
GLORIOUS LIGHT OOD – Miroslav Gutsalo +359 889 52 55 95 bulpvdesign@gmail.com
AI SYSTEM OOD – Stelian Petrov +359 889 15 15 25 steliyan.petrov92@gmail.com
DATANET OOD – Encho Georgiev +359 899 19 1638 egeorgiev83@gmail.com
ILSI – ilsiivanivanov@gmail.com
Fiber Consult – Ivailo Lubenov +359 887 83 79 86 ivailo@telnet.bg
D Companies dcompany.eood@gmail.com
HAPPY COLOR OOD Ivan Nonev +359 899 95 45 45 happycolor@abv.bg
OFF GRID SYSTEMS â Dimitar Tsonev dimitarconev6@gmail.com
School for Solar Specialists – Ivaylo +359 878 88 18 15 contact@2dbg.org
For Romania

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pricing All functions including supply chain, value chain, project scheduling, manufacturing, services and spares, technology, R&D, etc. are integrated to give a complete solutions package.
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- Repair & Replacement
- Monitoring Work
- Panel Maintence
- 24/7 Skilled Support
Popular- Installation
- Repair & Replacement
- Monitoring Work
- Panel Maintence
- 24/7 Skilled Support
Premium- Installation
- Repair & Replacement
- Monitoring Work
- Panel Maintence
- 24/7 Skilled Support